Friday 1 February 2008

A bit of an accident

see 'A bit of an accident' at deviantART

"And it was like I was just coming round from some kind of weird trip. I was on the bathroom floor... so were you. And you were dead, I'd stabbed you, there was blood everywhere. And my only thought was to clean up the mess. I just dumped you... your body... into the bath and started wiping at the blood on the floor. But it was... weird: the more I wiped, the more the blood seemed to go into the floor, like the lino was, like, layered. And the only thing that mattered was to clear up the mess, but it wouldn't budge, it just went deeper, I could see into the floor layer after layer after layer, and I was getting frantic, rubbing like mad. That's when you heard me cry out."

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