Sunday 20 January 2008


see 'Ascension' at deviantART

This came as a real surprise: I'd been experimenting with the parameters of my iconic 'No escape', in discussion with Anu, and devised a method of scripting the tight weave (yet to be finalised). Whilst performing the basic moves on xform #2, I stopped part way and began to swap the linear for other variations (a PowerPro script does this at a single hotkey combo). Oscilloscope proved a fruitful exchange. Tweak; select gradient; tweak; render; and finally post-sharpen to bring out the hidden texture, which reminds me of the laminates used on cheap '60s furniture.

Probably won't grab attention (due to its lack of boldness at thumbnail size) like some do, but this is a direction I touched on last year with this abstract style and intend to explore further.

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