Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Anxious crossing

see 'Anxious crossing' at deviantART

Moving into the unknown should not be, but is, a great source of anxiety. Ford the flow with confidence and love, not arrogance and fear, and all shall be well.

Third in the quartet 'Transitional Times'.

31 days in December: Day 31

Tuesday, 30 December 2008


see 'Relic' at deviantART

The Ancien Régime (or perhaps just the old year?) consigned to an historical curiosity. Are we ready for the next age?

Second in the quartet 'Transitional Times'.

31 days in December: Day 30

Monday, 29 December 2008

Trouble in the machine

see 'Trouble in the machine' at deviantART

They couldn't plug the cracks, even with that empty promise, money.

First in the quartet 'Transitional Times'.

Created using this Bubble Triboarders Tutorial.

31 days in December: Day 29

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Snakes and ladders

see 'Snakes and ladders' at deviantART

The classic board game a sneaky travesty of the shaman's journey, just as cricket has been shown to be a rank portion of the 'tails' of the distillation of the story of the Krikkit Wars. My, I'm slapping the obscurity on thickly today, much as I enjoy my high-fruit spread on crisp morning toast ;)

31 days in December: Day 28

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Stairway to infinity

see 'Stairway to infinity' at deviantART

It's a long way up.

31 days in December: Day 27

Friday, 26 December 2008

Differently tuned

see 'Differently tuned' at deviantART

Hear old music on new instruments. A fresh perspective on established themes.

31 days in December: Day 26

Thursday, 25 December 2008


see 'Tyles' at deviantART

An anagrammatical respelling. Festive cheer to all!

31 days in December: Day 25 :bucktooth:

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Leaf remains

see 'Leaf remains' at deviantART

Seasonal skeletons.

31 days in December: Day 24

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Turning leaf

see 'Turning leaf' at deviantART

Somewhat late in the season, but what the hell. Named after a range of wines which, though not among my regular drinkers, nonetheless appeals regarding the aesthetics of its name.

31 days in December: Day 23

Monday, 22 December 2008

Pupil of Iris

see 'Pupil of Iris' at deviantART

A little confusion, created using this Tips For Textures With Crackle tutorial.

31 days in December: Day 22

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Unplugging from the Matrix

see 'Unplugging from the Matrix' at deviantART

Synchronistic solstitial celebrations! Just pull the plug and experience freedom...

Even the frame created within Apophysis on this! Full view essential.

31 days in December: Day 21

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Synth poinsettia

see 'Synth poinsettia' at deviantART

A seasonal offering created using the Synth plugin (along with a little crackle and julian).

31 days in December: Day 20

Friday, 19 December 2008


see 'Alchemical' at deviantART

A recipe for squaring the circle, amongst many improbable tessellations, on this ancient geometric intaglio.

31 days in December: Day 19

Thursday, 18 December 2008


see 'Underground' at deviantART

Potholes, aquifers, safety netting... the secrets beneath our feet.

31 days in December: Day 18

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Seaside pulse

see 'Seaside pulse' at deviantART

Summer holidays are a distant memory for non-travelling northerners. I revive that memory here!

31 days in December: Day 17

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Festive Julian

see 'Festive Julian' at deviantART

My entry for the WTC Festivus!

Created using this Julian Set Outline Tutorial.

31 days in December: Day 16

Monday, 15 December 2008


see 'Interzone' at deviantART

A strange, dark place-that-is-no-place,
between worlds, between states.
Do not linger here:
the tentacles of attachment insinuate
and catch the unwary soul,
forever to attenuate,

31 days in December: Day 15

Sunday, 14 December 2008

A better fly-trap

see 'A better fly-trap' at deviantART

Venus, eat your heart out! Created using this Bubble Triboarders Tutorial.

Full view essential.

31 days in December: Day 14

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Satan's portcullis

see 'Satan's portcullis' at deviantART

Poor old Satan always gets bad press, and here I am perpetuating the meme! But the combination of flickering hellfire light, devil-horns and toasting fork patterns was too much to resist. Crumpets, anyone?

31 days in December: Day 13

Friday, 12 December 2008


see 'Tapestry' at deviantART

Something a little different to celebrate the annual increment of that thing called age ;) The rather amazing weave effect is due once more to a cell final transform! Full view essential.

31 days in December: Day 12

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Canvas 2: Fire in the city

see 'Canvas 2: Fire in the city' at deviantART

Poll-confident that this style is well-received, I continue...

31 days in December: Day 11

Wednesday, 10 December 2008


see 'Oro' at deviantART

I found their stash!

31 days in December: Day 10

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Canvas 1: Pretty in pink

see 'Canvas 1: Pretty in pink' at deviantART

Created entirely using the bent2 plugin.

31 days in December: Day 9

Monday, 8 December 2008

Mayan weave

see 'Mayan weave' at deviantART

Perhaps more a curiosity than a piece of art, I nevertheless choose to submit. 100% oscilloscope. Full view essential for the rich textural detail.

31 days in December: Day 8

Sunday, 7 December 2008

The gift of giving

see 'The gift of giving' at deviantART

Today's submission was decided after I received this. A variant of An audience with..., it reminded me of a window display of boxed chocolates, so appropriate for the season.

31 days in December: Day 7

Saturday, 6 December 2008

The Path

see 'The Path' at deviantART

It never ends.
Sometimes, the roots over which you scramble writhe
like snakes, but it's only DNA, trying to trip you into fear.
Attempt the impossible by a focus on infinity:
only this way does the way disappear.

31 days in December: Day 6

Friday, 5 December 2008

Some branch against the sky

see 'Some branch against the sky' at deviantART

After a comment on Stratified, I thought to tweak this style a little to resemble a winter sunset sky. The title is that of a gardening book!

31 days in December: Day 5

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Abstractus 3

see 'Abstractus 3' at deviantART

Barring the frame and signature, this is 100% Apophysis! The curious textural effect comes from a cell final transform with very small cell size, and this also has the unexpected property of creating additional large-scale transpositions.

31 days in December: Day 4

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Meditate on this

see 'Meditate on this' at deviantART

A kind of crazy metallic peacock-feather mandala for firing up the higher neurological circuits.

31 days in December: Day 3

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

The plunge

see 'The plunge' at deviantART

Elliptic/splits with that distinctly Faberesque bipolar final.

31 days in December: Day 2

Monday, 1 December 2008


see 'Stratified' at deviantART

Dig deep enough...

31 days in December: Day 1

31 days in December

I've decided to set myself a challenge, a kind of artistic Advent calendar, by submitting a fractal to deviantART (and here!) each day of the month. Can I keep it up? "Well, we shall find out..."

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Banana sketch

see 'Banana sketch' at deviantART

Inspired by this, and remembering that I'd often thought that these rings2-julians resembled bananas, I set out to maximise the effect: background colour sampled from a banana photograph and tweaked slightly: the basic format pushed away from the crispness of which it's capable to a much sketchier look: and the fractal rendered at deliberately low quality to enhance this.

Friday, 28 November 2008

I dreamed a domed sky for old Venice town

see 'I dreamed a domed sky for old Venice town' at deviantART

Surreal sunset cityscape of distinctly Venetian flavour, in which inner and outer conflate beneath a lurid dome, and stilted buildings mass and flicker at the waterfront.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Peggy's fossils

see 'Peggy's fossils' at deviantART

Running in top gear from my recent 'In the colours and style of...' debut, I turn my attention to Peggy Mintun, whose colours range from the near-Stygian to slap-in-the-face intense.

So once again, I've created gradients from a selection of Peggy's work (shortly to be released as a pack) and applied one to a new fractal that captures some elements of the work. Here, I've taken cue from the 'Fossils' range (gradient from WCE10_F) I've only just discovered this pattern in Apo, and it carries a feel of both fossil imprints and cave-art; the fractal is deeply textural; repeating motifs; black squiggly lines; and the thing is presented in square format, without frame.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Amy's world

see 'Amy's world' at deviantART

As a break from my impromptu series of 'Fractalising the work of famous dead artists', I turn my attention to the living, and what better beginning than a much-loved deviant who's artistic career looks poised to blossom, the Queen of Colour herself, Amy Hooton.

So, this was actually a kind of challenge from Amy, to create a fractal using her colours. The gradient used was created from Alien Efflorescence, and will shortly be available in a pack. Two other elements of Amy's style that I've managed to incorporate are repeating motifs (a natural for fractals, and here represented by the characteristic zipper-teeth waves of oscilloscope and the undulating painterly lattice of popcorn2) and the blurring of colour boundaries (achieved using a great dollop of pre-blur).

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

An audience with...

see 'An audience with...' at deviantART

"That's me in the spotlight..."

My first posted crackle - useful script (as part of a pack) to follow.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Fractal Mondrian

see 'Fractal Mondrian' at deviantART

An homage to the iconic De Stijl works of Piet Mondrian. I sampled the colours from online reproductions and created a new spreadsheet-based gradient tool in order to obtain the total colour control required.

So: Turner, Mondrian - who's next, I wonder? ;)

Monday, 17 November 2008


see 'Meerkats' at deviantART

Gnarlies are currently oh-so-popular. My contribution to the trend. They also resemble aliens and golf-clubs...

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Ancient secrets

see 'Ancient secrets' at deviantART

An eye-defying design of improbable tessellations and inlays, embodying and fashioned by forgotten technologies.

Saturday, 15 November 2008


see 'Blocks' at deviantART

Consisting entirely of overlaying rectangles and squares from, unsurprisingly, the rectangles variation. The style lends itself to rapid exploration of possibilities and even the creation of fractal Mondrians!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Trouble in Wonderland

see 'Trouble in Wonderland' at deviantART

The White Rabbit is fast turning into a fish - help!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


see 'Six' at deviantART

The smallest perfect number.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

At the end of the tunnel

see 'At the end of the tunnel' at deviantART

I'm never quite done with this style!

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Docklands sunset

see 'Docklands sunset' at deviantART

Turneresque scene of the fiery glory of the setting sun casting its magic over the derelict remains of unreclaimed docklands.

My entry for the Fractal Scenes contest.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Autumn fire

see 'Autumn fire' at deviantART

My entry for the Apophysis WTC 'Fall colours'.

Bipolar/julian combo.

Monday, 6 October 2008

My psychedelic garden

see 'My psychedelic garden' at deviantART

A burst of crazy colour after the more subdued seasonal shades.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Autumn wave

see 'Autumn wave' at deviantART

'Tis the season, after all.

Although not enormously detailed, needs full view to appreciate the nuances of shade.

Saturday, 4 October 2008


see 'Reson8' at deviantART

Resons 1 to 7 consigned to the bin of speculation. Good ol' disc-julian :D

Thursday, 2 October 2008

In the Luray Caverns

see 'In the Luray Caverns' at deviantART


Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Tiempo del fiesta

see 'Tiempo del fiesta' at deviantART

Dancing bodies and wine-drenched vision, strings of lights, and night colours, all swirling together in a single impression.