Sunday 27 July 2008

Tip: re-aspecting

Leaving aside the verbal coinage of the word (aspect is normally a noun), to what do I refer? Basically, the dimensions, the aspect ratio. This is one of those really simple methods: if your fractal has a final transform, cool. If not, add one and leave it as the default linear since this won't change the fractal at all. Now, say your fractal's square, but you wanted something in a portrait aspect, perhaps 3 x 4. Engage the final transform's post-transform, switch to the Transform tab and amend the relevant X/Y value to give the desired ratio (in this case, setting the Y y-coordinate at 1.3333 provides a 3:4 ratio).

Check out the sequence of screenshots:

Before any changes
Engaging the post-transform (note the pressed button)
Transform tab
Entering new value (note the stretched image in the preview)

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